Axuda B4S
MEOX Axuda B4S is a thoroughbred board cleaner with suction. It was first developed for cleaning ships, but we have later seen that it can do much more. It has a flexible cleaning system so that it can wash around steel pipes as well as flat plates. This type of rig has washed everything from huge steel platforms with pipe constructions down to small aluminum boats. Equally effective on everything.
We can even remove rudders without damaging the bottom lubrication.
If you need/want to have suction, it is possible on this rig. It is prepared for suction as it is often required when washing ships close to shore.
But it can also wash other objects/areas as you can replace the washing system with your own washing skids, standard with fixed nozzles on the arm in the front, or custom. (The entire bottom is replaced in a few minutes with 5pcs 12mm bolts).
Axuda B comes with 5 or 6 thrusters depending on wishes and needs for maneuvering.
Like all our other washers, it covers the following:
- Meox patented cleaning system for cavitation cleaning
- Mixes air in the washing water, gives a very soft jet
- Very gentle on surfaces such as bottom lubrication
- Uses very little water
- Low water and low pressure give very low diesel consumption
- Full ROV functionality in all directions
If you have any questions about the product please contact us by phone or e-mail.